Total Time: | 1963 hrs |
Prop time since overhaul: | 386 hrs |
Date of last annual: | 03/01/2017 |
Fuel Capacity: | 72 US Gallons |
Useful Load: | 958.4 Lbs |
Type of propeller: | Constant Speed |
Date of last IFR Cert: | NA |
Serial Number: | 28r-7918122 |
Hours since major: 386 hrs
Date of Major: 09/01/2005
Name of Engine Shop: one stop aviation
Horespower: 200 HP
Manufacturer: Lycoming Model:
io-360 cic6
Serial Number: L-20329-51A
A visual inspection of the aircraft shows no obvious signs of any damage or repairs. The aircraft had a gear up landing back in the 1980’s as a result of high density altitude takeoff. It was repaired professional and properly documented at that time. The logbooks are original, complete, well organized, illegible and make no reference to any other damage history.
The overall condition of the exterior is fair. The finish is chalky and there are some areas of missing paint. There are numerous chips and a moderate amount of scratches all over the airplane.
The seats, carpet and side panels are in good condition. All plastic components looks fair.
I have owned this airplane for 7 years and am thrilled with its performance. Medical issues have grounded me, my loss is your gain.
This 1979 Piper Arrow IV is a great value! It has very low total time and comes with a complete set of original logs. The engine has low time since major overhaul and runs great. It is IFR equipped with a combination of Garmin and Collins radios. If you are looking for a cheap retractable gear airplane with low time and are willing to put up with some cosmetic issues or invest in a paint job, this is your opportunity. At this price, it will not be available for very long, so be sure to contact us right away!
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